Sunday, 24 May 2009

Visit Britain Silver Award

This week we had fantastic news. We had a visit from the Hotel Inspector, who gave us the Silver Award. This award is given to Hotels and Guest Accommodations to recognise exceptional quality at all levels.

So we are a 4 Star Silver Guest House now! We are really thrilled.

It is our reward for 3 years of hard work. We finally finished all the refurbishements this April, in time for the new season, so there is nothing remaining of the old Leeway Guest House. Of course we still have plans, and have already bought the new Laura Ashley wallpaper for Room 6! But the redecoration of this room will have to wait until the end of this season now, but we have big plans, as always, for Room 6 in November.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Keep it Cash in Whitby

Last weekend was the Line Dancing Weekend in Whitby, and all our regulars seemed to have a great time.  So much so they re booked for next year.  So if there are any line dancing fans around the dates for next year are the 7th, 8th and 9th May 2010.

This weekend is the Gospel Music Convention, which we hope everyone enjoys.  Lets hope the weather stays fine!

We have just come back from a mini break of 2 days, but this will be our last day off now until our holiday in September.  We only went to Middlesbrough!!  We are huge Johnny Cash fans and our favourite band 'Keep it Cash' were playing there, and they were brilliant as usual. If you want to see them, here is the link to their web page which shows where they are playing this year.  If they are in an area near you, don't miss them.  They will be playing at Whitby Pavillion again in January 2010.  This was me on stage with them last time!

We stayed at The Grey House Hotel, which is a 4 star b&b, set in its own lovely grounds, and run by Jana, who is really friendly, and has a great b&b.  We can recommend staying there if you need to stay in Middlesbrough at any time.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Goth Weekend April 09

Well, what a fantastic 5 days we had. This was our 7th festival since running The Leeway, and it was the best. This year we decided to join in the event, so every afternoon we were out shopping and each evening we were out dancing. We have a fantastic Goth wardrobe now, and must have fitted in, as we are on and also on UTube!!
We even bought a Goth coat for our Basset Hound, Dylan!! Who enjoyed meeting everyone, and is also on UTube.

A big thank you to Ian and Julie, our great Goth friends, for taking us under their wing. Can't wait till October, and we can do it all again.